Fete History
The Froyle Archive looks at Fêtes & Flower Shows in Froyle
from the early days to the 70th in 2016
1954 Fete We think the picture below is the 1954 Fête, but, if you know otherwise, please let us know!

Mystery picture
Miss Grace Westbrook receives the silver challenge cup for the highest number of points in the horticultural section of the Flower Show in 1954. Presenting the trophy is Mrs Lowy, President of the Women’s Institute. Others in the picture are Miss Chubb, Mrs P Bush and Lt.Col.Newton Davis.

Miss Bygrave retirement
Mrs Bygrave, Headteacher at Froyle School, retired in 1957, and, at the Fête that summer,
she was presented with a bouquet by young Terry Penman.
Fete programme 1968 Wedding
As the Fête was being opened, 100 miles away in Dorset we were having a celebration of a very different kind!