Lower Froyle Shop
Lower Froyle Shop
Like most villages in the last century, Froyle was self-sufficient, with many shops and shopkeepers. These were not all shops as we would recognise them today, often being only a corner of a room in a house. Brownjohn’s Stores, in the picture above, was a ‘proper’ grocers’s shop and bakery, and survived under various owners as the village shop until the 1980s. After that it became an Interior Designer’s premises, then an Art Gallery, and, in 2001, was as a private dwelling. Follow the ‘More’ link to find out about the history of this shop.
We can date the picture to about 1907 from the ages of the children standing by the cart. The gates in the picture are long gone, but a visitor today would easily recognise this scene, although the oasthouse in the background was demolished in 1920.