Long Barlands old Long Barlands 1998
These two pictures show Long Barlands, at the Northern end of Lower Froyle, just beyond Rockhouse Farm. Long Barlands is the cottage nearest the camera on the left. Beyond are Rose Cottages and Rock Cottage. The left hand picture was taken, we believe, in the 1920s - the modern picture was taken in early December 1998. Few changes have taken place to the cottages over the years:-
  • Long Barlands has had its brickwork painted.

There are also few changes to the surroundings.

  • The road was been surfaced.
  • The tree by 1 Rose Cottages is no longer there.
  • Rockhouse Farm (just visible by the children with bicycles) has been demolished.
  • Telephone poles have arrrived.

The cottage was Grade 2 Listed in May 1985. English Heritage gives the following information:-
Long Barlands GV II House. C18, with C19 and C20 extensions. Brick walls and thatch roof. Front (south) of 2 storeys, 4 windows (blank above the entrance) with set back extensions at each end, of 1 window. Roof ½-hipped, and extended to a lower eaves at the west, tiled above the east end outshot. Painted walls of Flemish bond, cambered ground floor openings, plinth. Casements. C20 porch with a tiled roof and brick cheeks. Stone plaque in the panel above the doorway is incised T.T.M. 1773
Information from English Heritage, Images of England