Nedfield Terrace
Nedfield Terrace 1970 Nedfield Terrace 1974

After the First World War, it was decided to build four council cottages in Lower Froyle. The land requisitioned for the site had originally been set aside by Sir Hubert Miller to construct a ‘proper’ church to replace the ‘tin tabernacle’ of St Joseph’s which had been built in the late 1800s to provide a place in Lower Froyle for worship to avoid the long walk to St Mary’s in Upper Froyle. Sadly this was not to be - but, what a splendid sight it would have been if built! Unfortunately no plans were either drawn up, of if they were have survived.

In 1921 the two semi-detached cottages were built and given the imaginative title of “Council Cottages”. The left hand photograph was taken around 1970 by the late John Willcocks as part of a photographic survey of the entire village.
The right hand picture is dated 1974 and was taken after the cottages had been modernised, including the addition of mains drainage which had recently arrived in the village. The name was then changed to “Nedfield Terrace”, Nedfield been the name of an adjacent field.