Westburn Fields
Westburn Fields Westburn Fields
After World War 2 a council estate was laid out next to the Recreation Ground called “Westburn Fields”, a name that was combined from Westbrook and Burningham who were owners of the land in the past.
Initially there were three pairs of white-washed brick houses (left hand side in the upper right picture), four pairs of Swedish wood houses (left hand side in the upper left picture), four pairs of red brick houses and three pairs of bungalows for old people. In the early 1970s more houses were added.
Aerial 1947 Aerial 1989
This aerial photograph was taken on June 11th 1947 by the RAF and clearly shows the first group of houses. This photograph taken on April 9th 1989 shows the completed estate.
Westburn Fields 1970s Westbrun Fields 1972
These new houses were built in the top left of the aerial photograph on the right which was taken on August 11th 1972 and shows the work just beginning.

In March 2010 one of the pairs of Swedish wooden houses was demolished to make way for a replacement terrace of four modern houses.
You can follow the entire progress through to completion by clicking on the Gallery link below as Drew Smith, who were the contractors, have been sending us regular pictures.


Westburn Fields 2010